What Is Inbox?

In short, Inbox is another web based e-mail service.  I have been reading articles about Inbox last year and I was intrigued by how Inbox would "streamline" the e-mail experience.  I held out downloading another e-mail service because I was already well established using Hotmail since the mid-90s; so you can imagine my Hotmail account was full of old and junk e-mail.  I added Gmail at the suggestion of a close friend, but I didn't really use it as my primary e-mail.   With my primary e-mail being bombarded with announcements of 25% off at Left Lane Sports, specials of flights and hotels on Expedia, alongside with the occasional e-mails from actual people, my Hotmail account was a big mess--it still is.  I started using my Gmail account for e-mails from actual people which turns out to be pretty manageable.

Inbox was still in my radar, but it was by invitation only.  I couldn't just download it.  I had to be invited, and no one I knew was publicly announcing it on any social network platforms like Facebook or Twitter.  There were, of course, those rare occasions when Google would announce a 24 hour open invitation which I would eventually see on the 25th hour.  Fortunately I managed to be lucky and saw another one of those rare open invitations:  I got down on my knees and begged Google for an invitation.  Oh okay, I just sent them a simple e-mail requesting an invitation.  The following day:  welcome Inbox!!!

First of all I connected it to my Gmail rather than my Hotmail account.  I've decided to leave my Hotmail my junk e-mail account or rather the e-mail address I give to online shopping companies like Amazon and Trip Advisor.   As e-mails came in, I could "swipe" those e-mails away or place them in a "bundle" or an appropriate file like "travel", "purchases", or "social".  I can also create my own "bundle" and place e-mails there.

The one feature that I have been using a lot is the Reminder feature.  This come in handy when I need to remind myself to reply to an e-mail.  You can set the date and time to be reminded.  The next feature I like is the Pin.  You can "pin" a message in the inbox or swipe it away.  I pin messages that I want to reply to as well as placing a reminder on the message so that I'm sure not to miss it.  You can use the "unpin" mode to see all the messages (that hasn't been swiped) for each month.  I keep Inbox on the pinned mode to see all the messages I want to see.

Inbox has become my go-to personal e-mail.  It is true that Inbox has reduced the "heaviness" of having an e-mail inbox.  I do continue to use Hotmail and it remains as my "junk" e-mail account.  So if you want to e-mail me, use my Gmail address found on the first screenshot.  As an added bonus, if you also want to try Inbox, write to me and I'll send you an invitation to download it.  And thank you for reading.
