How to Use Evernote When Traveling (previous blog from

How to Use Evernote When Traveling Published by Joel Delizo, March 7th, 2014 You might be wondering why I keep going on and on about Evernote. Well to be truthful, it's just plain useful. I decided to write a blog about how Evernote was handy and helpful on my and André's trip to Salzburg last year in September 2013. In fact, the trip helped me to take the Evernote plunge and upgrade to a premium member. So now that you received your flight and hotel confirmations. As soon as I got the e-mail with our flight and hotel confirmations, I immediately sent it to my Evernote account--you're given a uniqe e-mail account so you can send documents or photos directly to your account. I made a folder in Evernote called "Salzburg 2013" where I placed anything and everything pertaining to our trip. On my laptop, I researched things about Salzburg. When I found an interesting article or useful information, I used Evernote's Webclipper and saved it in the Salzburg folder. With the Webclipper, you can save the link, the webpage, the screen shot of the webpage, or a cleaner easy- to-read version of the website by using Evernote Clearly. I saved the webpage to have all the info already in my notes. Why upgrade to Premium? Now the reason why I upgraded to Premium is because I wanted to access my files without wifi. Premium members are able to access their files without internet access just by choosing which files they want to view offline. So I changed the folder setting for "Salzburg 2013" to offline. Google Maps too?! So what else did I put into this folder for a trip to Salzburg, Austria? I saved Google Map search results of where our hotel was located; restaurants; cafés; and, of course, tourist sites. Being that we were traveling to Salzburg, I also researched where the actual scenes were shot for the Rodgers and Hammerstein film "The Sound of Music". And how did we get around town? I uploaded information about the Salzburg public transportation--the bus line to take us near our hotel which was the original villa of the Trapp family. Is there more? Not only is Evernote on my laptop, tablet, and cellphone, but I can also access my Evernote account along with all my notes from any other device as long as I have access to the internet. Evernote can also make lists with check boxes. Before our trip, I made a check list of all the things we need for our trip. As I double checked our travel bags, I would mark the check box. So what are you waiting for? Check out Evernote and see how it can help organize your next trip.
