Here Are the Apps that I Use (previous blog on

Here Are the Apps that I Use Published by Joel Delizo, January 22nd, 2014

After having expanded my cell phone memory to 64g--yes 64g--I was on the lookout for more interesting and productive apps. Thanks to the Samsung upgrade to Jellybean 4.3, I can now move most apps to the 64g memory card. I asked my Facebook people what apps they used the most--calendar came up the most. Yeah, me too, but I was looking for something else. So here's my list of apps, other than the calendar, that I use quite frequently.

 1) Evernote: a productivity app that I use every day. It's basically a secured cloud service that helps me be organized and practically paperless. How? Capturing receipts in PDF format then organizing them by the corresponding month in the year. Archiving important documents Recipes Travel research (via Evernote Webclipper, or links) Archiving manuals Shopping list Training programs Work procedures Documenting serial numbers from various appliances and gadgets that I own. Writing a blog Sharing documents.

2) Pocket: this is an app that stores articles found on the internet that I want to read later. Surprisingly I have been browsing through articles that show up on my Facebook feed and saving the interesting ones on Pocket. I read them on my commute to work on the métro. I can save the ones that I want to share later, and I can share them either through Facebook, e-mail, or on Evernote. Moreover, I can read the articles without needing a wifi connection.

3) Dropbox: this is similar to Evernote, but it's more storage than anything. I really can't produce documents from Dropbox, but I do upload pictures to this cloud service app. I organize my pictures in folders, then I can share these pictures via e-mail--this comes in handy for the handful of people that I know who are not on Facebook. Whaaat!?!?

4) Skitch: this app is more of a mark-up-a-photo app than a photo editor. It's so simple to use, but it's usage comes in quite handy especially around the office. I was tired of being asked if I can send a fax for someone at work. I have to stop my work to show them how to fax their paper. So I took a picture of the copier/fax machine then I began to mark it up in Skitch, showing step-by-step instructions using numbers and arrows on the photo. I laminated the photo with the instructions and taped it directly on the wall where the copier/fax is. Now everyone knows how to fax without having to disturb me even if they've forgotten how to do it.

5) Photo Editor & Snapseed: these are two photo editing apps. I use them both, and both are very easy to use. You can even upload your finished edited photo to Facebook or send them by e-mail. I do have Instagram but I rarely use it. I also have PhotoGrid, but I think I use that more for having multiple pictures in one photo.

6) WhatsApp: a good friend of mine recently turned me on to this texting app. He lives in Vancouver B.C. When we have wifi connection or are online, we can text one another for free, and it's so easy to use. There are tons of emoticons if you want to include them with your text, but the app is pretty straight forward. (Let me know if you get it.)

7) HIIT interval training: this is an app I use for my HIIT (high intensity interval training) routine that I discovered at FitnessBlender on YouTube. I can customize the duration of the active exercise, the rest period, as well as the number of rounds I need to do. Very simple to use and I use it during the week when I exercise in the morning--HIIT exercises are a great way to lose weight without having to run and run and run.
So those are the apps that I use and would recommend. If you happen to want to try Evernote, please let me know before signing on--I get points for signing people on :) I'm also interested in what people use as their fave app and why. Convince me, people. And if you're wondering, I have a Samsung Galaxy Note2 updated to Jellybean 4.3 (June 2014 update:  I now have KitKat 4.4.2) and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 4.1. Thanks for reading.
